61 4dr. door lock mechanism rod clip...schematics?

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61 Waycrosscomet
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61 4dr. door lock mechanism rod clip...schematics?

Post by 61 Waycrosscomet »

Does anyone happen to have schematics for inside the doors? Specifically the door lock rod that goes from button to latch.
I removed and refurbished mine a couple years ago, now I am installing, but didn't take good enough pics when (before?) removing.
There is a sleeve over this rod, and a 'clip' with a screw that goes over the sleeve and rod. I am assuming that this gets screwed somewhere to keep
rod out of the way of window? But I'll be damned if I can see where it would go, and it seems it would really bend the rod some. So if anyone
has dealt with this please let me know. Maybe 62's are the same as well. see pic for what i'm talking about. This is looking down through
window opening in door....Thanks...john.m


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Re: 61 4dr. door lock mechanism rod clip...schematics?

Post by poboyjo65 »

this may or may not help but here is an online shop manual, good to keep in your records. & if you click the last link on it the quick text index it makes it easier to find stuff;
http://falconfaq.dyndns.org/display1.ph ... Page=0-001
& here in the door section shows a pic of that clip on the back door, I dont know why but I didnt see a pic on the front door page;
http://falconfaq.dyndns.org/display1.ph ... age=12-037
& at the bottom of the main page it says ''HOME'' click on that for other year manuals, you know ford it may be in one & not in another one, but sometimes you might want to compare

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Re: 61 4dr. door lock mechanism rod clip...schematics?

Post by 61 Waycrosscomet »

Thanks for links. the falcon book seems a little more detailed than my comet shop manual. Unfortunately it doesn't say or show where that
clip on the locking rod attaches too. Thats my dilema.

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Re: 61 4dr. door lock mechanism rod clip...schematics?

Post by poboyjo65 »

It may be just to hold that sleeve in place & doesn't connect to anything? the pic of it in the rear door isn't attaches to anything that I can see.

61 Waycrosscomet
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Re: 61 4dr. door lock mechanism rod clip...schematics?

Post by 61 Waycrosscomet »

I guess that is possible, but then why have a clip with a screw and not just a plain clip, OR, why have a clip at all?
I can sort of see that this rod might need to be pulled out of the way a bit so it doesn't interfere with the window movement.

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Re: 61 4dr. door lock mechanism rod clip...schematics?

Post by poboyjo65 »

ok this may be a clue. this is in the 64 manual. looks like it shows that screws bolted to the door lower to take out slack maybe or to keep it out of the way of the window like you mentioned? So I would look for a hole in the door with traces of that screw being in it. the sleeve acting as a guide & rod sliding thru it?
http://falconfaq.dyndns.org/display1.ph ... age=17-033

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Re: 61 4dr. door lock mechanism rod clip...schematics?

Post by 61 Waycrosscomet »

Thanks. That link actually helps alot. Confirms my suspicion that one of the holes for the upper door panel holder bracket is actually also for
that screw that goes in that clip. The one hole is a tiny bit larger than the other bracket holder holes. So that is where I attached it, with
the bracket in place of course. it works. pulls that locking rod out of the way better. makes the lock button a little harder to operate, but is
functional. Thanks again. ....john.m

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Re: 61 4dr. door lock mechanism rod clip...schematics?

Post by poboyjo65 »

61 Waycrosscomet wrote:
Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:28 pm
Thanks. That link actually helps alot. Confirms my suspicion that one of the holes for the upper door panel holder bracket is actually also for
that screw that goes in that clip. The one hole is a tiny bit larger than the other bracket holder holes. So that is where I attached it, with
the bracket in place of course. it works. pulls that locking rod out of the way better. makes the lock button a little harder to operate, but is
functional. Thanks again. ....john.m
you're welcome & that was in the 64 manual & confirms what I said about looking thru other year manuals by clicking on the ''return to ''HOME'' button at the bottom of the page of the manual & it carries you to all of the manuals>this page >& lots of other info too:
I wonder if there is a way to put all of this link on a flash drive just in case these ever go away? I actually had this book marked from the TFFN site that crashed. I guess it was kind of a separate thing from tffn with tffn just having links to it like these. But the guys on tffn facebook were happy when I posted it on there after the forum site had crashed & the owner died.

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